Who the Son sets free is free indeed, lockdown or no lockdown

Matthew Joughin
3 min readApr 12, 2020


‘He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. ‘ Matthew 28:6 https://my.bible.com/bible/111/MAT.28.6

Today we remember and celebrate that Jesus rose from the dead, to defeat death once and for all, breaking its power, and fulfilling the law perfectly.
As it is written:

‘So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. ‘
John 8:36 https://my.bible.com/bible/111/JHN.8.36

Free from what? Free from our sins, the things we have done that we know are wrong, regardless of whether the world says they are right, we know in our hearts they are wrong.
We search this world inside out, looking for perfection because we know we aren’t, our hearts have been polluted by this world, by our desires, and our insistence to do what we want at all times.
We buy a new car, better than the last, thinking this will make us happy. But it doesn’t, so we buy a better one — thinking this time it will be! But it doesn’t. Substitute car for a house, a house for a cell phone, a cell phone for a TV, and so it goes on. Nothing satisfies, because we have this hole in our heart.
We think these idols will provide the perfection we desire, but it doesn’t, and we are left constantly unsatisfied and depressed, not knowing how to get out.
I wasted so much of my life on these things, thinking they were the goal, and as relentlessly I looked for imperfections in my work (which was good), I did the same in my life — but I looked at the wrong thing.
No item in life will ever actually make us perfect, it is simply an idol we are turning our attention instead of the living God, the maker of heaven and earth!
Is anything as beautiful as His creation? In South Africa, my home country, we Table mountain in Cape Town, the Drakensburg Mountain range in Kwa-Zulu Natal, the Witteberg mountain range in the eastern Free State where I grew up. In Zimbabwe, you have Victora Falls. In North America, you have the Great Lakes and the mountain El Capitan to name a few. The Himalayas have Mount Everest. Every continent has breathtaking beaches all around, and a breathtaking variety of flora and fauna.
There is no end to God’s creation, as evidenced by what we see in the universe, unreachable destinations much much further than the eye can see.
The only way we find perfection, the only way we can fill the hole in our heart, is to accept Jesus’s sacrifice of dying on the cross for our sins, and 3 days later rising again, which makes us whole and perfect — by His blood, not by anything we have done or can do. That is it — that is the only way we can be perfect and whole.
God gave up his Son, his only Son, Jesus, to do this for us. To bring us back to Him, and allow us to walk with Him both now and forever.
The tomb is empty, and Jesus has set us free, so accept this free for us but not for Him gift, and make Jesus your Lord and Savior.
Once again it is very simple, don’t let the enemy or anyone else deceive you that it isn’t.
Just pray this prayer and that is it:
“Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior.”
Then start your walk with Jesus, daily reading His Word through which He will reveal Himself to you more and more, and join a fellowship so that you may be disciplined and thereby grow in your faith more and more.



Matthew Joughin

Jesus follower. Husband to beautiful wife. Software architect designing and building Source Dynamo, Cornerstone and Dynamite